Century 21 ? Oh my my


Remember the Gold Jackets?  How about “We’re national but neighborly”?

Kiss away the $100’s of millions of advertising spent over decades establishing a brand that is synonymous with real estate in North America and all the popular culture references that reinforce this icon status, like in the Michael Keaton movie Betelgeuse for example.

Nope, in 2013 we are the outfit that handles your home like the toxic waste that it is and we admit we don’t need to be very bright to do it.  We are here to insult your intelligence by juxtaposing a physicist for a Realtor and completely changing our color scheme to further distance ourselves from our past success.  Even Hollywood B movie directors would give second thought to portraying Plutonium with a green glowing fluorescent light tube but Century 21 has. Sit back and relax as the Plan 9 from Outer Space realtors of Century 21 treat your home like the level 5 biohazard that it truly is, yellow caution tape and all. This is not a bad realtor ad or bad realtor advertising

Platinum Nomination for Brand Destruction

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The Real Estate Clairvoyant

Carlo Melo see the future
Carlo Melo sees the future


In the difficult to predict, fast paced world of Real Estate investing it is nice to know that there are Realtors that use tactics as old as time itself to help their customers.  Take Sutton Group Realty’s very own Carlo Melo who is taking it old school with his advertising.  This sign says many things visually, look deep into his eyes and relax…yes relax…relaaaaax.  Your eyelids are getting heavy, you are very tired.   Good… you will buy this home and feel refreshed when you wake up.  You will completely lose the urge to smoke, the taste of Coca Cola is now revolting to you. This is not a bad realtor ad or bad realtor advertising

Schooled by the very hands of Criss Angel Mindfreak, if you can’t dazzle them with the brilliance of your product then baffle them with the Science of the Mind. Carlo can be seen selling Real Estate, appearing on Cruise Ships and the occasional Casino Show room, two clairvoyant hypnotism shows every Friday night.


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