The International Language of Advertising

Resort Realty 1-4 adHey Alla, tell Boris you’ll call him right back, we just need a few moments of your time (you’re obviously a busy bee).

Look, I have absolutely no idea what your ad says, but truthfully, it doesn’t matter. This ad translated in any language would come out saying beautiful. But wait, before you start smiling and dialing again, let me tell you why. First, I’m especially fond of how you surrounded your words with bullets, using them as decoration rather than separators. Nice touch! Also, I found it interesting that when translated, English bullets (circular in shape), turn into diamond shaped bullets. Next, your little landscape coloring in the upper right-hand corner was adorable. Last, and here’s the “she’s a genius” moment for me … while you were simultaneously on the phone closing your next deal and posing for the photo shot, you had the vision to position your hand in just-the-right-spot for the ad designer to place your call-to-action. DONE! You are a rare talent Mrs. Sienitsky.

Gold nomination is being translated and sent via text message.

Oh, before I forget, let me tell you this story about when I was just a young … I’m only kidding Alla. Go ahead, you can get back on the phone now.

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The Guy’s Guy

mm-realestateNo no Mark, you’re the man! In fact, I’m just dying to give you a fist bump explosion. Since I can’t, let me just give you a little shout out: MM IS IN THE HOUSE!

Yeah folks, let me tell ya, everyone in the office loves Double M. From the moment he rolls in, he’s giving Johnny boy the 1,2 punch on the shoulder, Mary gets the slap on the rear, the Tomster gets the “Top Gun” high five, low five and Schmitz gets the chest bump. Am I jealous? Yeah, of course I am. I’d love to be called D-man and start my day with a double high-five from Marky Mark. But, I was dealt a different hand, and I’m dealing with that. Meanwhile, I have the good fortune of witnessing Mark’s other talent — copywriting and ad design.

His latest creation is this two-tone masterpiece. He lures you in with his opening statement, “Put a working man to work for you!”, but he endears you to him with his charming, yet highly-seductive profile shot. We love it Mark! Enjoy your Platinum nomination, or as you may put it, P-money nomination. Damn you’re cool!

The Magic Touch

billboard-2Hey, wait, didn’t you play Muriel in, “It could happen to you”? Well … kudos, you made a splendid choice in changing careers, it clearly appears that real estate is your calling. And, I must say, your ad is just lovely young lady. You won our hearts with the verse from Matthew, but you won our gold (nomination) with your line from heaven, “Everything we touch turns to SOLD”. Amen and Alleluia!

This little Piggy

billboardRock-a-bye baby, in the tree top, when the wind blows, the craddle will rock …
zzz …
zzz …

Oh … sorry guys, I must have dozed off listening to my baby mobile that I’ve hung over my computer. I can’t seem to put my finger on it, but something about this ad has caused me to pull out my memory box, put on my one-piece sleeper and snuggle up with teddy.

Anywho, how can you not love this …
zzz …

There I go again, sorry. Alright, I’ll make this quick, Spongebob is on in 5. Ad — Glorious! This little piggy gets a special finger-painted platinum nomination done by me.

Underwater World

ar11993054511606I guess that it’s time to point out that outstanding real estate creative doesn’t always have to come in the form of billboards and bus benches. Take Liz here for example: While on her trip to Maui, she suddenly had a stroke of brilliance. “Captain, turn this boat around, I need to go back to the hotel and grab my sign.” (Thank god you packed it Liz, good thinking.) You see, as Liz was peering over the edge of the speeding boat it suddenly dawned on her, “What if I could visually represent the sale of the biggest piece of real estate on the planet — the Ocean!” Clearly the concept worked, hook, line and sinker Liz. Bravo! Once you get back to shore and pat yourself dry with your shammy, go check with the front desk, there’s a special water-proof gold nomination waiting for you!

The Real Mr. and Mrs. Spears

lamar billboardSo, Mr. and Mrs. Spears were over the other night for dinner (yeah, I wish … let’s just pretend for now) and we began talking about high-end ad design and as luck would have it, they just happened to know a thing or two about that. From the looks of it, I’d say they’re right on the money. Let me just take a moment of your time to point out a few of the subtle add-ons that separate the true admen from the common folk:

  • Look closely and you’ll notice that Andrea and Greg are sporting a soft outer glow. This effective little piece of trickery is what us industry folks like to call the eye orgasm. Well executed team Spears!
  • Alright, I’ve got a challenge for you: try to forget their last name. Can’t do it, can you? That’s because these mavens went literal on you. That’s right, they threw the spear right at you. Ok … they didn’t throw it per se, but they did aim straight for our subconscious and hit the bullseye.
  • And finally, just when you thought that chivalry was dead, the Spears remind us that there still is some human decency left in this world. You open doors for us, and we’ll open our hearts to you. MuWah!

Well, team Spears, you did it. Gold it is. Just so you know, the dinner offer is always on the table.


dee_billboard_ubbwI don’t want to tip my hand too much here, but let’s just say that I’m now spelling dynamite with two consecutive “e’s” instead of the “y”.  I mean, c’mon, this girl has got it. Right out of the gate she hits us with “The DEEalmaker”. Closed circuit to Dee Young, nice touch with the capital E’s … just wanted to make sure we got it, huh?  Spot on, we love it!

For those that can’t quite make out the words in that fancy red box, let me help you absorb this little line of poetry: “Your Real Estate MarkeTEAM!” Bam — you got us Dee. But, getting us wasn’t her goal, no, no … she wanted to wow us. She did just that by pulling off the magic of white space. She strategically left justified everything, just so we could have the entire right third of the billboard to dream. What a selfless act of brilliance. Gold!

Premier Talent

946236Hey Norma! Quick, look over here. SNAP! HA. Gotcha on the phone!

Man, you guys are too much, we are all in hysterics over here just envisioning the photo shoot that day in Norma’s office. Laughter aside, when it comes to copywriting and art direction, Norma and her team are as good as it gets. From the classic faux photo corners to the subtle red bullet separating Residential from Commercial, their creative eye is superb! Norma’s not the least bit narcissistic either. A glaring example of her goodwill was the extremely classy shout-out to her entire team of associates. Well done Mrs. Rhodes! Their tagline pretty much sums up my thoughts exactly: Recognized … Check. Respected … Check. Recommended … Already twice today — check. Gold Nomination … On it’s way — Check.